Our Grants

Our ‘Life Interrupted Grants’ cover a wide range of needs, including (but not limited to): current and residual medical bills, rent.mortgage, utilities, car and health insurance premiums, * IVF start up treatments (egg retrieval and sperm banking), integrative therapies, travel expenses, and medical hair pieces. If you think that you might be an ideal candidate for the grant, contact your patient navigator to request an application during our open request period within a 9 month time frame after a cancer diagnosis.

 Understand that a completed application is NOT an automatic award.

We are an all – volunteer organization, through the team fundraising pursuits, private donations & endurance runners that fuel our mission.

* See below for eligibility and guidelines

‘Life Interrupted Grants’ for Young Adults can be awarded from $500-$1,500

Click here to view application details

    • Applications NEED to be requested by an oncology social worker, doctor’s office, or patient navigator. Sorry, there are NO exceptions. Once an application is requested, there is 1 page for the facility to fill out, the rest is completed by the patient/individual.
    • All applications will be verified by an AWF representative & grant committee for time of treatment and rarity (Note: ALMOST all young adult cancers are considered ‘rare’).
    • Grant season will be competitive, so please make sure you have ALL the paperwork requested is sent together or we can not process. We have a limited amount of funds to award as many as we can.
    • ONLY one applicant from a facility can be granted an award in one grant round.
    • Almost all types of cancer are considered rare for young adults.
    • Our ALL volunteer committee works hard and long hours to verify all applicants.
    • If you are awarded a “Life Interrupted Grant,” BE prepared to submit new bills to show financial need when requested; Grants will be paid either directly to patient/family or directly for rent/medical. If you cannot produce bills, please pass on this, as the grant will not be able to be awarded.
    • ALL applications can be returned as soon as you fill it out ( no need to wait for deadline).
    • Once our REQUEST for an application is closed, our grants@allysonwhitney.org will return to vacation notice with information if available on our next grant opening.


If you meet the listed eligibility requirements, please have your representative (read above) request an application when the next grant round is open to REQUEST AN APPLICATION to grants@allysonwhitney.org

We are truly hopeful that past recipients and their families will help spread our pursuit and pay it forward to help another when you can, so the Circle of Giving can continue.

Click here to view eligibility requirements

  • You are a young adult between the ages of 16-36 diagnosed with a ‘rare’ cancer.
  • You are a citizen of the United States.
  • Please note that Breast Cancer in your 20s is considered ‘rare’ as is some specific forms of breast cancer up to our age range. Active treatment does not include reconstruction surgeries or long-term hormonal therapies (including Tamoxifen, Fareston, Arimidex, Aromasin, Femara, Zoladex/Lupron, Megace, and Halotestin). 
  • AWF defines Active Treatment as the period after a positive diagnosis of cancer has been made (with a diagnostic biopsy), and during which therapies are being administered, including surgical procedures to remove the cancer, chemotherapy or radiation within a 9 month period. * With an understanding that some treatments  for certain cancers are long term
  • We do not fund family adoption planning.
  • AWF unfortunately cannot grant on a chronic illness from a cancer diagnosis ( unless within the 10 month time frame of treatment).
  • AWF will reimburse initial IVF and sperm banking within a 9 month time frame with bills. AWF cannot assist with IVF and sperm banking years past your medical treatment.
  • Be prepared to have new bills ready to submit, if you are awarded a “Life Interrupted Grant.” If you cannot or do not have bills, please pass on this application, as it will not be able to be awarded.

Important Dates

      • 2024 – Next round to REQUEST AN APPLICATION is June 3rd, 2024 through June 14th, 2024 at 5:00 EST. Unfortunately, we have had to decrease requests by 2 weeks due to an OVERWHELMING response.  

      • An application received by AWF is NOT an automatic award. A strict deadline to return applications will be July 9th, 2024 ~ All will be notified by August 31st if a grant can be awarded or if we were unable to.

      • There is NO waitlist, we are all volunteers and we are sorry, but, we do not have the capacity to create a callback list to let you know when we are open for grant requests. Please check back to see if we are able to open another round later this year.

      • AWF cannot send you an application ‘to work on.’ An application changes slightly each year.

The Allyson Whitney Foundation is standing with you.