To demonstrate a commitment to the future of the Allyson Whitney Foundation and its mission, you can include the Allyson Whitney Foundation in your estate plans, ensuring that your legacy will carry on hope to another individual.


  • Make a bequest in your will or other estate plans to the Allyson Whitney Foundation. You may be able to add to an existing will through a codicil or amendment.
  • Name the Allyson Whitney Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan. Designating the organization as the beneficiary of an IRA or 401(k) does not require you to change your will.
  • Turn unneeded life insurance into a gift by naming the Allyson Whitney Foundation as beneficiary, which does not require you to change your will.
  • If you are 70 and older, you can give directly from a Traditional or Roth IRA. Your contribution will be federal income tax-free, as a direct gift. Your withdrawal gift can be up to $100,000.

When you include a gift to the Allyson Whitney Foundation, please let us know so we can thank you. You may also wish to designate your funds to a certain initiative and/or discuss an endowment fund in your name or in honor another person. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we respect that as well. Thank you for considering such a noble way to carry on our mission and your giving spirit. *Always consult your attorney for the best advice for you.